
We highly recommend to use conda to install python packages. It is shipped with Anaconda (or Miniconda for a smaller footprint), a scientific Python distribution which allows to very quickly configure a Python scientific setup. Unfortunately, the package is presently only available on pip and cannot directly be installed with conda. We recommend to install dependencies with conda and then install the package using pip.

As several required packages to install obsea can only be found on the conda-forge channel, we highly recommend to work on a separate environment which only contains packages downloaded from the conda-forge channel. Especially working with the base environment it not recommended as it is known that mixing packages from both channels is a source of bugs. Two scenario cases are possible: installing the package and its dependencies from scratch into a new environment (start at 1.) or installing those in a already existing environment which was setup to use the conda-forge channel (start at 4.).

  1. Install Anaconda or Miniconda following the instructions on their website.

  2. Create a new environment and activate it (choose the environment name you want, here obsea is chosen):

    conda create -n obsea
    conda activate obsea
  3. Use conda-forge as the priority channel an remove the defaults channel:

    conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
  4. Install dependencies:

    conda install cartopy colorcet dask matplotlib numba numpy obspy pandas python scikit-learn scipy shapely xarray netcdf4 pyproj
  5. Install obsea:

    pip install obsea

Congratulation you just installed obsea ! Remember to activate the environment where you installed obsea each time you need to use it.